Green Spot

Rain Gardens

Functional, Attractive Landscaping

 Rain gardens are shallow gardens designed to absorb rainwater from rooftops, downspouts, hard surfaces like parking lots or roads, and turfgrass lawns. They allow water to be captured and soaked into the ground, resulting in less stormwater runoff! They also help capture and filter pollutants from stormwater runoff. They can be manicured and tidy, or they can be wild and natural. 
  • Technical Assistance and Rebates: Franklin Soil and Water can help with all things rain gardens. Free technical assistance is available for all Franklin County residents and property owners. Rain garden rebates are available for residents and organizations in certain participating communities. 
  • Rain Garden Plants: Check out this flyer for a short list of plants that are appropriate for rain gardens. 
  • Blueprint Columbus: Visit the Blueprint Columbus website to learn more about rain gardens, green infrastructure, and stormwater runoff reduction projects happening around the City of Columbus. 
  • OSU Rain Garden and Green Infrastructure Research: Read the latest study from tOSU that found local rain gardens and green infrastructure projects improve stormwater runoff by capturing and reducing significants amounts of pollution from nutrients and sediment! This is great news for water quality - rain gardens really work!