How to Redeem Your Rebate
Use your voucher immediately at one of the following vendors! Surrender your voucher at time of purchase, and the retailer will give you an immediate discount rebate on your purchase, like a coupon, and that's it. No further action is required on your part. The vendor will submit your rebate information to us. Please check with the vendor to verify hours or to arrange curbside services as these may change. Immediate discount rebates are NOT available for rain garden rebates or Columbus business rebates. Check out the map and list below for a list of immediate discount rebate vendors.
New rule for 2025 - You must surrender a PHYSICAL copy of your voucher at the time of purchase or pick up with the vendor - absolutely no exceptions. We tried to go paperless during COVID, but we ran into issues with vouchers being lost or not received via email or people using their voucher twice wrongly and saying they didn't and blaming it on the vendor. As a result, everyone MUST surrender a physical copy to the vendor when they purchase or when they pickup if it was ordered online. No exceptions. If you use your voucher more than once, YOU WILL BE INVOICED FOR THE OVERAGE! You could also be banned from the program for not following the program rules. We must protect the integrity of the program in order to keep it going, and we need you to help us do that by following these rules. If you do not have access to a printer, please request your voucher to be mailed when you participate, or reach out to our office. If you want more than one rebate, participate again next year.
City Folk's Farm Shop - Offering reimbursements on rain barrels, compost bins, and native plants. Shop plants in store only, or shop rain barrels and compost bins online and in-store.
4760 N High StColumbus, OH 43214614-946-5553
Fisher's Gardens - Offering reimbursements on native plants, trees and shrubs.
1540 Truro Ave
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

Leaves for Wildlife - Offering reimbursements on native plants, trees and shrubs.
1655 N County Rd 605
Sunbury, OH 43074

Scioto Gardens - Offering reimbursements on rain barrels, and native plants, trees and shrubs.
2870 Curve Rd
Delaware, OH 43015

Sunny Glen Garden - Offering reimbursements on native perennials. Shop online anytime, or in-person shopping by appointment. If shopping online, use the special coupon code listed on your voucher, and email your voucher to prior to arranging pickup.
3507 Sunny Glen Pl
Columbus, OH 43224

SWACO/Franklin Soil & Water Compost Bin Sale+ - Get a $70 immediate discount rebate on a SWACO compost bin purchased at Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District. Link to purchase will be provided on your voucher. Pickup only. No delivery. Pickup event times can be found on the online ordering page.
Participating Vendors Map
Can't find what you're looking for from one of our immediate discount vendors? This is the option for you. You can purchase your rebate item from a legitimate store and submit it to Franklin Soil and Water after purchasing AND installing or planting to receive a reimbursement check via mail. This is the slower, more tedious option to redeem your rebate, but it gives you flexibility. The businesses listed below are where eligible items have been purchased in the past. Wherever you shop, make sure to get a printed, ITEMIZED receipt or invoice that indicates the rebate item's price per item. We require an itemized receipt or invoice in order to issue reimbursement. We cannot accept handwritten receipts. We cannot accept any exchanges between private parties such as Facebook Marketplace, eBay, CraigsList, OfferUp,etc. You must purchase from a legitimate business that is a registered business with the State of Ohio Secretary of State. Please ensure the item you are purchasing meets the rebate requirements before you buy. If it doesn't meet the rebate requirements, we reserve the right to deny your rebate application.
These vendors listed below commonly sell eligible rebate items, but they DO NOT participate in the immediate discount rebate program.
Rain barrels must have an enclosed lid and be installed with a level (straight-across) diverter (no cut downspouts or downspouts going directly to the rain barrel!). Compost bins must be enclosed or have rodent-proofing (if you are eligible).
Many local nurseries carry native perennials, grasses, shrubs, and trees. Sometimes, they might even have a section dedicated to natives! Even better, there are some stores that are native speciality stores. Anything on our Native, YES List will be approved for reimbursement. Anything listed on our Invasive, Do-Not-Plant List will be DENIED for reimbursement - including cultivars (i.e. Butterfly Bush 'Miss Molly'). Additionally, we will not reimburse any seeds, annuals, vegetables, aquatics, or herbs.
For a list of Ohio native plant speciality vendors,
click here.