Green Spot

Community Backyards

Community Backyards is a Backyard Conservation Rebate Program

Community Backyards is an annual program administered by Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District that promotes water quality education for residents in Franklin County, Ohio. Our goal is to protect water quality by reducing stormwater runoff at home. We can do that in our own backyards by keeping rain where it falls and using it as a resource. We encourage and incentivize the use of rain barrels, rain gardens, native plants, composting, and low input lawn care to keep our waterways healthy.

How It Works 

Community Backyards offers one rebate voucher per household per year for the purchase of an eligible, approved backyard conservation item to residents in Franklin County, Ohio and/or participating communities. Here is how it works.

  1. Participate - First, you must participate in the education requirement of the program. You can do this via one of two ways - take the online course --or-- attend a local, in-person workshop. You only have to do one. After you participate, you will receive a voucher for a rebate. 
  2. Pick Your Rebate - Now that you have a voucher, decide what rebate you want! Your eligible rebate items will be listed on your voucher. Pick one. Remember, you can only get ONE REBATE PER HOUSEHOLD PER YEAR. You cannot get multiple rebates in one year. So, choose wisely! However, you can participate each year. 
  3. Redeem Your Rebate - Get your rebate! You have two options - redeem it at a participating local vendor with an immediate discount like a coupon --or-- purchase at any legitimate retail or online store and submit an application to receive a reimbursement check. 

This is an annual program that runs April through September. 

Available Rebates

Rebates are available for residents of Franklin County and/or participating community residents. Your available rebate options will vary based on your home's tax district and are subject to availability. We will manually verify your tax district via the Franklin County Auditor after you participate. Then, we will issue a voucher which will specify your tax district and what rebates are available to you. 

Rebates are very limited, subject to availability, and can change from year to year. You must live in Franklin County, Ohio and/or a participating municipality and participate in the Community Backyards online course or workshop in order to qualify for a rebate. Rebate funding and availability is up to your municipality and their available funding. 

Take Action: Choose Your Way to Participate

There are 2 ways to participate. Pick one: 
  1. Take the Online Course: The online course is currently closed. The online course will open on Earth Day 2025. 
  2. Attend a Local Workshop: Workshops occur spring-fall. Check back in early April for new dates! 
After you participate, if eligible, we will issue you a voucher, and then you can get a rebate.

Questions? Check out our Resources page. Still not sure? Call our office at (614) 486-9613 or email the program team at
Greenspot Rain Barrel Project Conservation